Jong Rabo

  18:00 uur
  Rabobank hoofdkantoor, Utrecht

  • Wiebe
  • OneBank
  • International
  • CEO
Netwerken Kennisverbreding Organisatie thema

This year we will organise an international event together with the CEO of Rabobank, Wiebe Draijer. During the event we will reach out to other locations across the world to show that Jong Rabo and Rabo are really ONE BANK.

If you would like to participate, then register for this event through this form. Provide us with your question(s) to Wiebe regarding the topic of ONE BANK and support your registration with a strong motivation.

We have limited places for participants (12), so a selection will be made based upon your motivation and questions if there are more than 12 registrations. So make sure you register before the 11th of November.

As the event is in English, your question(s) and motivation should also be in English. We look forward to receiving them.

As is common with the soundingboard sessions we will prepare the session to make sure that we are all aligned with each other. This preparation session will take place the 14th of November from 17:00 - 18:00. An Outlook invitation will follow later. Please make sure you are able to attend both sessions.


Aanvang: woensdag 21 november 2018 om 18:00
Organiserende commissie Springtij*
Inschrijven vanaf: dinsdag 16 oktober 2018 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: maandag 12 november 2018 om 13:10

Rabobank hoofdkantoor - Croeselaan 18, 3521 CB Utrecht

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"Door onze leden in contact te brengen met jongeren van andere verenigingen worden ze uitgedaagd om out of the box te denken,
dat resulteert in leerzame multidisciplinaire bijeenkomsten met een prachtige dynamiek!”

Yannick de Rooij – Voormalig voorzitter Jong Rabo