Meet and mingle with the Partner bank Talent Program

  16:00 uur
  Utrecht Croeselaan, UCP-015, Utrecht
  International Hub

  • partnerships
  • youngprofessionals
  • culture

The Jong Rabo International Committee is organizing its first event and we are really excited!

The International Committee will organize additional activities around global themes and will have an active role in helping with the integration of international colleagues on board or Jong Rabo.


This event aspires to bring closer people from Young Rabo and the Partner bank Talent program (PTP) to share cultural experiences and spread the Rabo mentality. PTP is a training program for talented professional or Rabobank's partner banks from all around the world. PTP aims to broaden the view of these talents on banking and supports them in their development through assignments, lectures and company and bank visits. The program consists of 15 participants from 11 different countries who are looking forward to meet young and internationally orientated young employees or Rabobank!


With this in mind, the International Committee Pilot is organizing an event at the 20 th of June to meet, greet, socialize and share experiences with eachother.



16: 00-16: 30 Walk-in

16: 30-18: 00 Activities

18: 00-19: 00 Drinks and Snacks

Aanvang: donderdag 20 juni 2019 om 16:00
Organiserende commissie International Hub
Inschrijven vanaf: donderdag 13 juni 2019 om 14:00
Inschrijven t/m: donderdag 20 juni 2019 om 16:00

Utrecht Croeselaan, UCP-015 - Croeselaan 18, Utrecht

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“Iedereen heeft een netwerk nodig om je door het leven te brengen. Jong Rabo is niet alleen een netwerk waar je leert, maar waar je ook een toekomst opbouwt. Hier heb je voor de rest van je leven wat aan, zowel tijdens als na je Rabobankcarrière.”

Berry Marttin - lid raad van bestuur Rabobank