Let's Talk Ethics - AI, Biodiversity, Climate, Diversity and much more...

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Let’s talk Ethics!

Did you know that Jong Rabo has a permanent seat in the Ethics Committee of Rabobank? And that you can enter into interesting dialogues about ethical dilemmas within Rabobank?


What does the Ethics Committee do?

De Ethics Committee meets every 2 months. Within the committee there is a representation of diverse managers from the entire organisation. Every employee can suggest a case for the committee. The cases are bankrelated and are about dilemmas in the grey area. We are not guided by what we must do or have to do – but by what we want to do. The Ethics Committee formulates a point of view with which the right entity can work.

Which ethical dilemma will we be discussing?

The agenda for the Ethics Committee will become available on Friday. In coming the coming Ethics Committee meetings we will discuss ropics like: responsible AI, Biodiversity, Climate, Geopolitics, Carbon Credits en Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.

Are you curious about the themes which have been discussed in past Ethics Committees? Via Rabohub you can read all about the different cases and topics > Casuïstiek (sharepoint.com).

What is expected of me?

The seat which Jong Rabo has in the Ethics Committee is on behalf of all young employees of Rabobank. Your input is of great value! You don’t need to be an expert on a specific theme or on ethics. It’s more important that you think about the topics and that you can form and give your own opinion on the topics. We use your input during the Ethics Committee.


So…. Sign up and let’s talk ethics!

This activity is online and will be from 12.00 to 13.00. Feel free to enjoy your lunch during this hour.


This activity will take place every 2 months – before the meeting of the Ethics Committee. Are you not able to join this time? Please check out our channels for updates on the next session!


Aanvang: maandag 9 oktober 2023 om 12:00
Organiserende commissie Bestuur
Inschrijven vanaf: dinsdag 3 oktober 2023 om 17:30
Inschrijven t/m: maandag 9 oktober 2023 om 11:00

Online via Teams - ,

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“Iedereen heeft een netwerk nodig om je door het leven te brengen. Jong Rabo is niet alleen een netwerk waar je leert, maar waar je ook een toekomst opbouwt. Hier heb je voor de rest van je leven wat aan, zowel tijdens als na je Rabobankcarrière.”

Berry Marttin - lid raad van bestuur Rabobank