Jong Rabo
1% vol

  23:59 uur
  Utrecht Croeselaan, Utrecht
  Branding Commissie



Hi there!

Young Rabo is organising a promo week from October 14 to 18. During this week, we aim to significantly boost our membership count, and we need your help for that!

Do you refer new members? Then you have a chance to win a Fitbit (A prize worth 139 euros!)

New members can sign up for free in the week of October 11! (Discount settled afterwards). So, if you happen to know colleagues who would like to become members, this is the perfect moment to have them sign up. Do you have more than 1 referral, make sure you name them all at once in this event!

How does it work? During the promo week, you can sign up for this activity on the website, and don't forget to fill in the name of your referral, who became a new member at Young Rabo thanks to you! On October 23, we will announce the winner. They will receive an email.

During the promo week, you will find Young Rabo stands at the Croeselaan, where we will actively promote our community and hand out some merchandise. Please feel free to stop by.

We are looking forward to welcoming even more members ✌

Please note: signing up this year is free, starting next year they will pay the standard fees.

Aanvang: zondag 20 oktober 2024 om 23:59
Organiserende commissie Branding Commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: maandag 14 oktober 2024 om 09:00
Inschrijven t/m: zondag 20 oktober 2024 om 23:59

Utrecht Croeselaan - Croeselaan 18, Utrecht

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“Jong Rabo is zo lekker één!”

Eric Saris – Directeur Organisatieontwikkeling, Performance & Strategie