Jong Rabo

  15:30 uur
  ING Cedar, Amsterdam

Netwerken Kennisverbreding

Young Leaders in Finance (YLF) is the program for young professionals in finance and will start again in the fall of 2024. The seminars cover important themes in the personal, professional, and social life of young professionals who want to further develop themselves and strengthen their network with leaders in the sector and other motivated high-potentials.

The seminar on moral ambitions is the first out of a series of six. For the first five sessions Dutch understanding and speaking is required.

A large part of your week as a young professional revolves around your work. The question of the meaning of work is becoming an increasingly important theme. What do I want to achieve in my work? And what does it mean to do meaningful work? And who am I as a banker, investor, and supervisor? These are the questions we will discuss with Julia van Boven and Jelle van Baardewijk during the first seminar on the personal life of the young professional.

If you have any further questions, please contact


Aanvang: dinsdag 26 november 2024 om 15:30
Organiserende commissie Bestuur
Inschrijven vanaf: dinsdag 19 november 2024 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: dinsdag 26 november 2024 om 12:00

ING Cedar - Bijlmerdreef 106, 1102 CT Amsterdam

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“Jong Rabo is zo lekker één!”

Eric Saris – Directeur Organisatieontwikkeling, Performance & Strategie