Sustainable & Innovation committee presents: Rabo Partnerships

  15:00 uur
  Sustainable Future commissie


In this online session we will explore sustainable & innovation topics from a Rabo Partnerships perspective. Rabo Partnerships uses their networks, knowledge, finance and innovation to connect parties in the food ecosystem to address key challenges such as financial inclusion, rural development and sustainable food security. 

Register now and don't miss this one! 

Aanvang: woensdag 28 september 2022 om 15:00
Organiserende commissie Sustainable Future commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: woensdag 3 augustus 2022 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: woensdag 28 september 2022 om 12:00

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“Ik ben ontzettend trots op de vereniging die er nu staat;
passievolle, gedreven mensen die gaan voor hún organisatie en daarmee (Jong) Rabo uniek maken!”

Marijke Klaver – Voormalig voorzitter Jong Rabo