Effective communication

  16:30 uur

  • communication
Kennisverbreding Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

Do you communicate as effective and sufficient as you think?

Communication is key, in your private life but also at work. Maybe now more than ever since we are 'stuck' working from home during the pandemic which seems to take longer than initially expected. You are communicating with your colleagues via e-mail, phone and video all the time. It may sound easy to communicate well, but there is way more to it. We want to offer you this workshop to help and teach you a bit more about communication on different levels. 

In this workshop Hidde Piekaar will guide you through the basics of the ‘Transactional Analysis’ (TA) and will show you a different perspective of looking at communication and relations. We act different with certain people in certain situations, because we choose to relate to different roles within ourselves. Which role fits you well and what behaviour feels uncomfortable? What effect does that have on the other and the results that you desire?

At the end of this workshop you’ll have an extra window of looking at yourself, the interaction with others and maybe the organisation as a whole…

Aanvang: donderdag 1 oktober 2020 om 16:30
Organiserende commissie GROW!-commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: vrijdag 11 september 2020 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: donderdag 1 oktober 2020 om 12:00

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“Iedereen heeft een netwerk nodig om je door het leven te brengen. Jong Rabo is niet alleen een netwerk waar je leert, maar waar je ook een toekomst opbouwt. Hier heb je voor de rest van je leven wat aan, zowel tijdens als na je Rabobankcarrière.”

Berry Marttin - lid raad van bestuur Rabobank